You might think that "Sales Killers" sounds a bit harsh, but we wanted to share some of the common mistakes that sales people make - even the seasoned sellers.
Why would they make these mistakes? Sometimes we are more relaxed when presenting to someone we are familiar with and may not be on our best game. Keep these tips in mind always - when talking to a friend, family member, or a brand new client.

#1 - Lack of professional appearance. Always put your best foot forward and dress the part. When you dress like a professional, your behavior will follow

#2 - Talking too much. Your mission is to find out about what the client needs. Your needs may not be of particular concern to the client and might even discourage him from continuing with the process

#3 - Your vocabulary. Words create pictures in our minds. Certain words that are inherent to selling turn people off - like vocabulary that is particular to your industry like "contract." You might say "paperwork or forms." Use ordinary terms that make the customer feel more comfortable.

#4 - Not investing time in building rapport. Good rapport builds trust. You may want to go directly into the sale, but it would be to your benefit to find out a little about the client beforehand so you can build trust. People don't buy from people they don't trust.

#5 - Lack of a qualification system. This is pertaining to making sure your client and your product are a good fit before you proceed with the sale. If they don't have the need or the money for your product or service, there will be no sale - so why make the appointment? Qualify them before you set the meeting.

#6 - Not knowing when to stop presenting and close the sale. Learn to recognize buying signals and STOP TALKING! The hardest thing for salespeople to do is to stop talking when the client is ready to buy. At that point, stop pitching and ask for the sale. Otherwise you may turn him off and talk your client right out of buying.

#7 - Ego. Selling is a service business. You must set aside your wants and needs to serve the wants and needs of others. Your job is to provide a service - so get those dollar signs out of your eyes because the client can read you like a book. Keep his/her interests as your primary focus and the rewards will follow.

#8 - Not knowing how to close. In many cases, all you have to do is as a direct question in order to close a sale. "Shall I help you fill out the application?" "Which credit card would you like to use?"

#9 - Not paying attention to details. If you skim over details or shortcut your presentation because you've done it so many times that you are bored with it, you'll lose the sale. Remember - you may have done the presentation 10 times this week, but this is the first time your client has seen it. Don't leave out any of the details.

#10 - Poor fulfillment. This ties into paying attention to details. If you don't fulfill your promises, the client may cancel the sale after the fact. Salespeople shouldn't promise anything above or beyond the company standard. Know what your capabilities are for fulfillment before making any promises.

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