If you haven't already discovered this little secret, let me give you some insight...Buy this book immediately and consume it, because it will change the way you do your business.

It's called "The Retirement Miracle" by Patrick Kelly.

I read it as soon as I got it, and it really has changed my outlook on the business that we do. Why?
I'm calling this article The Closing Miracle because it has given me the tools I needed to secure business, and help my clients secure their future.

In sales, you need to show your clients:
a) How your product will benefit them
b) Why they need it NOW

Have you ever had a great presentation? The client loved the product. Seemed very interested in it. Was very enthusiastic and gave you all of the buying signals. And then those dreaded words: Well...let me think about it.

Without a sense of urgency, you will never give them a compelling enough reason to buy your product from you right now. They can always think about it and get back to you later. We all know "later" comes waaaaaaaaaaaaay later or never at all.

Why I am calling this book The Closing Miracle is it tells you why it is imperative that the client get his IUL as soon as possible because if he waits, he may never have access to the tax advantages attached to this product if tax laws change in the future. Simply put.
So because of this little tidbit, I have up'ed my game and gave my presentation a very strong WHY. Here's what I tell them:

Retirement is like a 3 legged stool. The three legs are pension, social security, and personal savings.
Unless you work for a huge company, pensions are a thing of the past--so you can't rely on that for your retirement. Social Security is not secure--and we all know it's going bye-bye very soon. Most people I know can't retire on their personal savings because you can't live very long on a few thousand dollars.
So our product, the GIUL is the perfect solution to beefing up their earning potential, while protecting your family.
Why should they get it now?
The financial boom of the eighties gave birth to a great product called Universal Life. It offered similar tax advantages to our product and people jumped all over it! They had lots of money to put into their UL and did so quite eagerly.
We all know there are 2 things in life that are certain. Death and Taxes. As expected, Uncle Sam caught wind of the tax revenue they were missing out on and imposed regulations on the UL product. Now when the UL is overfunded (meaning the cash value exceeds the amount of premiums deposited within the first 7 years) it becomes a MEC (Modified Endowment Contract) and can no longer receive the tax advantages it once enjoyed.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
If your client gets his GIUL now, he may not have to abide by the regulations that are sure to come in years following. It's called Grandfathering.

a) Get the book and read it.
b) Up your game and increase your closing ratio asap.
c) Enjoy the benefits of working for this great company we call WFG and help as many friends, family and strangers as you can.

There is a great urgency to what we do, and this gives you the perfect vehicle to do so.